Boasting a 365-day growing season in BC, our province’s mild temperate climate and ample annual daylight allow growers to supply year-round field and greenhouse grown cut flowers. The ideal growing conditions continue even in the depth of BC’s winter with greenhouses full of vibrantly colourful blooms. Over 80 cut flower growers in BC distribute millions of high-quality cuts across North America with specialities being gerberas, spray roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums. At the peak of our summer season, 70-80% of the cut florals we sell are all grown locally.
BC is also home to incredibly skilled and knowledgeable Dutch growers. With specialized horticulture training in Holland, the seasoned professionals have brought their growing expertise to Canada. A familial pride exudes from these nurseries with an accomplished ethic of growing, grading and launching cuts being passed down each generation. It is an artful combination of passion and skill that has led to perfected techniques of growing a diversity of consistently exceptional flowers year over year. Plus, with the incorporation of new technologies, like rolling greenhouses on tracks allowing growers to scale up in production, the supply at the local market always remains abundantly fresh.
With cut flowers grown in BC being comparable to the quality, colour and freshness at Dutch flower auctions in Europe, our consistent and resilient supply are one of our largest advantages over other regions. Remaining unaffected by annual wildfires and smoke afflicting growers across North America, BC has remained resilient even throughout the pandemic. While most countries halted their international exports, BC had an abundant supply of cut floral as our local nurseries continued to grow their diverse selection of flowers.

With our experience in the industry to purchase quality items, combined with our long-standing relationships with our local cuts growers, we provide our customers with flowers that are not only fresher but affordably priced.
Check out our video to see our team’s field trip visiting some of our local nurseries to see firsthand where our diverse selection of cut flowers are grown.