Incorporating the latest biological and scientific advancements in our growing technology, our latest collection of liners includes the use of tissue culture techniques. Cultivating the cells, tissues or organs of a plant, tissue culture uses the living matter from existing plant material to reproduce new, healthy and high-quality plants.
Removing the need to use seeds or cuttings, the benefits of tissue culture include:
- Sterile plants that are disease and virus free
- Uniformly grown plants that are consistent and more robust in quality
- A rapid production and growth cycle as plants establish themselves quicker
- New varieties of unique and rare species become quicker to market
Combining our growing methods with innovative tissue culture techniques, we work with our reputable suppliers’ lab grown material. Sticking the tissue cultured grown plants in Jiffy pea pellets, we continue the sterile process maintaining a clean environment in their isolated micro-climates using an enclosed humidity chamber. Once active roots and new growth appears, we allow the liners to harden off ensuring robustness in health and success during transportation and in your own greenhouse. Our attentive growing process allows for a high-quality product for the end consumer.
Our diverse selection of tissue culture varieties is now available on our weekly plants catalog and new monthly Liners Prebook Program. On our online ordering platform, shop our quality liners grown to have robust root systems, denser branches, and faster uniformed growth.